Applying a D&I perspective across all parts of the recruitment process is mission-critical to hit the D&I goals for any company. But not taking heed of this perspective in Pipelining there will never be a diverse talent pool to select from. How we proceed with other activities in regards to Pipelining will have a massive effect on if a diverse group of candidates is available for selection.

Working with how we define skills and experience at the job architecture phase, and how that translates into sourcing strategies, job ads and the efforts into placing the vacancy in front of passive candidates is something that any Talent Acquisition team must be aware of.

Language can be subtly “gender-coded”, without us even realizing it. Societal expectations of people vary according to their gender, and that seeps into the language we use. Being aware of this being the case and taking active steps to avoid it is necessary.

On average, nearly one in four applicants from the majority [ethnic] group (24%) received a callback from employers. The job search effort was less successful for ethnic minorities who, despite having identical CVs and cover letters, needed to send 60% more applications in order to receive as many callbacks as the majority group. -

Setting Goals that Reflect D&I targets

Setting goals that reflect your leadership team’s expectations for diversity hiring paired with updates are a reminder of what your company leadership has outlined in a statement and ensures that you are on track to meet or exceed what has been promised. It is also important to communicate the impact of training on these goals and to highlight the hiring managers that have been performing particularly well to reinforce positive results.

Transparency with candidates is quickly becoming a necessity and your organization’s stance on Diversity and Inclusion is no exception.

Ensuring that Communication is Inclusive

Sharing stories about diversity goals and programs directly from employees makes messaging genuine. This means tossing out the stock photos of diverse employees on your website and social channels and creating visuals around your current reality: not quite there, but on the road and moving swiftly.

While you don’t have to put a hold on your recruitment marketing until you are able to create workforce programs that support diversity, it is important that you wait for actual success stories before promoting your diversity programs. And the messages should not just be genuine, they should come from your employees rather than from company leadership.

It only takes one success story to really drive home the focus and impact of D&I hiring in your workplace. It starts with many small acts that create a steamroller effect that turns into bigger ones.

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Bias Awareness


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