Most companies today do work in partially och completely digitized systems that affect or are connected with TA. No matter if this is an ATS, e-mail, Social Media, or other sources they generate data. But even organizations below the Enterprise level seldom have the know-how, willpower, or skill set to leverage that generated data into actionable analysis.
The lack of comparable data and less than evolved capabilities within TA to use data to understand what you do well, what can be improved upon and how to use that knowledge both to understand and evaluate what has been done but more importantly identify and act on key areas for future performance.
TA is often measured in number of hires, or maybe processed candidates. It’s rarer to look at what sources do the best employees come from and how they find their way into the company. TA functions are often stressed with the current hiring needs so this point is overlooked or left for something to look at when there’s downtime.
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