Having great system support empowers your TA function to be more efficient and find new ways of working. However, looking for a system to solve the underlying structural challenges might be to start at the wrong end.
TA Tech is an incredibly fluid field and to leverage the competitive advantages and the possibilities at hand requires technical know-how and this is also true for TA. Maximizing outputs from the open API landscape while delivering packaged data into understandable and informative Dashboards without relying on manual processes can build competitiveness at scale.
By adding new systems that are cutting edge you are also taking a risk where adoption might be low and increase the risks of GDPR non-compliance due to insufficient implementation and management of the system.
What systems to choose depends on the maturity and complexity of the TA function. Using a simple framework of Adopt, Trial, Assess and Hold will aid in decision making of what systems to implement.
The basic system every TA function must have is an ATS, however, implementing a heavy-hitting corporate style ATS might seem like a good idea due to many nice-to-have reporting functions or integrations into communication workflow but might also make the TA function less productive due to adoption issues.
<aside> 💡 To see a non-exhaustive list of systems to be considered, please visit:
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