The Pipelabs framework is a living product of collective understanding and experience from Talent Acquisition. It is continuously updated and expanded.
Use this tool to start understanding fundamental questions regarding the success (or lack thereof) of the Talent Acquisition function.
Formulating it into questions, it could look like this:
<aside> <img src="/icons/chat_gray.svg" alt="/icons/chat_gray.svg" width="40px" /> The Pipelabs framework is designed to answer those questions. No matter the size of the organization and no matter the maturity of the Talent Acquisition capabilities in place.
Is there a clear-cut answer and strategy in place on how the recruitment process is engaging the right talent by optimizing Pipelining?
Does the organization know how and by which measures to select the right hire by having full control over Selection?
Is the organization aware of the costs, the process management, and the over-arching strategy that drives recruitment by having Control?
<aside> <img src="/icons/user-circle_gray.svg" alt="/icons/user-circle_gray.svg" width="40px" /> A key concept in successful Talent Acquisition is to define what a candidate actually is. Below you find our definition and concept around candidates.
A central concept to the framework is the concept of Qualified, Interested, and Available. Many recruitment efforts suffer by not basing the assumptions on this concept. In any recruitment effort, there might be many individuals involved, but if these three parameters are not met, it’s just needlessly dedicating resources and efforts to the process.
A distinction must be made as to what constitutes a candidate. Pipelabs works with the definition of Qualified, Interested, and Available. Any individual that does not meet these criteria should not be considered to be a candidate. Either they lack the qualifications needed, or they’re not ready to change jobs or they’re not a match for the criteria placed on the role.
Has the individual the necessary skills and experience needed for the role in question?
Is the individual open to change into a new role, or are they only looking around? A candidate cannot be viewed as a candidate before the interest in the position for the given company can be validated.